Galigamuwe Gnanadeepa thero is a famous meditation and Buddhist dharma teacher

Venerable Galigamuwe Gnanadipa Thero contributes his understanding of Buddhism to guide you to wisdom.

This website contains Dharma Deshana in audio and video format and Scriptures by Venerable Galigamuwe Gnanadeepa Thero.

You will be able to download Scriptures and videos in this site. If you like to contribute to the service please contact us. May you all attain nirvana.

This website contains Dharma Deshana in audio and video format and Scriptures by Venerable Galigamuwe Gnanadeepa Thero.

Galigamuwe_Thero (5)

ධර්ම දේශනාවක් වෙන්කරගැනීම

මෙත් සදහම් විකාශය නාලිකාවෙන් ඔබගේ ධර්ම දේශනා වෙන් කර​ ගැනීම සඳහා වෙබ් අඩවියට පිවිසෙන්න

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බක්කුල මහ සෑයේ පරිවාර කොත් වහන්සේලා අට නමක් අද දින පලදවන ලදී 2023.04.22
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Buddhism is a path to salvation for all living beings. Buddhism enlightens a purpose to life by offering a way of life that leads to true happiness. Gautama Buddha shared his insights to end suffocation of sentient beings and achieve nirvana.

Galigamuwe Gnanadeepa Thero